Hi, I'm your personal trainer, Kate.
You landed on this page because you obviously care about taking care of your body.
But I'd be willing to bet that you are also frustrated with your body and the lack of results you're getting from the stuff you've tried.
Tell me if this sounds like you...

Your body is feeling weighed down - literally and figuratively.
And you've tried more diets and workouts than you care to count.
You've got nagging aches and joint issues.
And your doc just says that's part of getting old. (it's not, by the way)
Your health issues are really starting to stack up - like blood sugar problems, thyroid issues, gut problems, skin issues, and more.
And not only does none of that feel good, you also can already see where this ends if you don't change things soon.
You really want to be fit, healthy, and youthful, but the gap between where you are and where that is seems overwhelmingly large.
And you know that just jumping in full bore, or holding yourself to insanely restrictive standards is destined to fail.
I've helped countless clients become healthy and fit - and do it in a way where they actually learn how to take care of their body for the rest of their life.
Over 1,000 clients coached, and counting...
“"I love how everything links together in the training. Now I feel more secure in my body." ”
“"The ghost of an athlete seems to be emerging in me!"”
“Couldn't have toed the start line of my race without your help. I'm feeling strong. Thanks for all that you do. ”
“"I found the 6 initial assessments to be hugely valuable. I was dealing with an injury/recovery scenario with a host of compensatory issues and all the docs I saw said it was my hip strength, but I wasn't seeing any improvement. Using your program to assess different areas pointed out other compensations my body was making that I could not correct just by addressing the issue with the hips. The supporting pillar exercises directly helped to improve my situation."”
“"I really never thought I'd feel fit and agile again, but these days I feel better than I felt when I was 30!"”
“"I'm no longer stopping and thinking about my shoulder before I pick things up. I just...pick things up!"”
If you want to know why most people fail to get fit and healthy, read this section. If you don't care why, just skip down a section where I tell you what's in my course.
Here's why most people fail to get fit and healthy...
They don't understand the most fundamental principle about how a body works.
If you fail to account for this principle in your exercise, your diet, and your lifestyle, your results will always be just "meh".
It's like doing a keto diet but not accounting for the fact that you can make yourself less insulin sensitive (which is not what you want) by eating that way.
Or if your workout program has you doing a bunch of planks for "core" work and thinking that's a good use of your time.
I account for this principle in my coaching program, and that's what sets my client's result apart from everyone else's.
This critically important principle that impacts every part of your body, inside and out, is called The Signal/Response Principle and it says:
Your body is always responding to the signals it receives.
And this Principle is at work every day, until you die.
Using this principle, I guide my clients to the right exercises, activities, and health practices that will send the right signals that account for how the whole body works together to get them the results they want.
Now, this holistic approach is not for everyone, so if you want shortcuts or "hacks", this is not the course for you.
In my Becoming Unbreakable Workout & Lifestyle Course, you'll learn how to take care of your body in a way that your results will last a lifetime.
Because you'll learn the actual skills of body care. It's the difference between following a recipe from Pinterest and actually learning how to cook.
Here's what you get in my Becoming Unbreakable Workout & Lifestyle Course
Part 1: Start the health & fitness curriculum lessons.
These podcasts, worksheets, and videos help you implement practices to improve your health and fitness. You'll learn everything from which food ingredients hamper your fitness goals, to mitochondrial health, to how to breathe to actually attain a sense of peace in your body, and much more.
Part 2: Take my 14 point Movement Assessment to assess your own body and find out where you need to focus to make your aches and pains go away and start getting stronger.
You'll get an in-depth understanding of where your body's unique issues are, things like weak spots, mobility issues, and breathing strategies are all uncovered here.
Part 3: Start your workouts.
You can either follow the full body workouts I provide, or use your Assessment Results to go through my exercise library which is organized to make it easy to pick specific exercises for your body's specific issues.
Part 4: Share your progress and questions on our Community Bulletin Board.
This is where you can post your questions and insights and we can chat more about the course material. For those who despise social media, don't worry, this Bulletin Board is it's own standalone thing. It is not on facebook or any other social platform.
Click here for the health & fitness curriculum for the rest of the year
And yes, you get all of the past health and fitness curriculum lessons if you join after we've already done one you want to learn.
Get $1000 worth of bonuses when you sign up:
My learning library
This is bonus educational material to help you on your journey.
The videos and materials in the library cover a range of topics... From showing you how to get around common challenges with certain exercise techniques, to teaching you how to do cardio as an Unbreakable human. -
My quick daily routine
It's obviously ideal to send signals to your body daily about how you want it to respond. This daily routine takes the guesswork out of deciding which exercises in the course to turn into a daily routine. Just follow along with my video demos and you'll tick the box for that day.
My Stop Rushing Course
If you feel like you're always rushing, always stressed and tense, and like nothing you do makes it better, this mini-course will change that. You'll learn how to change your physiology so you can change your state: from stressed to at ease.
How To Sign Up
I know you've seen courses online where you just sign up on your own and away you go.
This is not that type of course.
This online course is an extension of my in-person coaching business, and I would not coach someone in person without having talked to them beforehand to learn about them and determine if I am the right coach for them.
If you are interested in signing up for my online course, we will have a call beforehand to get to know each other and determine if this will be a good option for you, your goals, and where you are at on your journey.
To book your free 15 minute exploratory call, click the calendar image below.
People just like you are becoming fit and healthy for a lifetime.
“Kate is the only person who's been able to provide me with the tools to successfully manage my nagging injuries and pain. There are not enough words to express my gratitude for Kate's willingness to take two steps forward and one step back with me. Unlike so many of the PTs I've worked with, she does not give up when everything isn't fixed in a month or your body adjusts to the program in unexpected ways.”
“I've been following the workouts for a bit over a year, and it has significantly improved how my body feels day to day and changed my mindset around exercise. All of the small aches and pains I used to feel during the day (pain between my shoulder blades while sitting at the computer, knee pain while walking, foot pain if I stood for too long) have gradually cleared up. The program has supported my regular climbing and lifting, and helped me run pain free for the first time in 2 years.”
“I tried a bunch of different things to fix my knee pain over the course of about a year - some things would help temporarily but I always wound up very quickly back where I was walking down those steps in pain. My work with Kate has changed all of that. For the last two years I have made consistent progress and am now able to do many of the lifts and movements from competition days, pain-free. Working with Kate has been utterly fantastic.”
Hi, I'm Kate.